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I think long profiles are really interesting, but everytime I type something, I just think that its not coming out how I want to, or it just doesnt make sense to me half the time. I guess I can never express myself good enough. Anyway Im Szelin, I dont update here very often cos I don't want to be a bad example (ha-ha I know right) if you know me Im @ dearestblank.lj instead, pictures will be here every now and then.

November 2007December 2007January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008July 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009July 2009August 2009September 2009October 2009November 2009December 2009January 2010February 2010March 2010April 2010May 2010June 2010August 2010October 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hey I'm missing yall already, 3 years with yall passed really fast, I still rmb how I was crying when yall were leaving primary school, oh those days. Thanks for being there for me when all the other people bailed. Thanks for always being there to listen even though yall had problems youreselves and I was never much of help. Thanks for being the group of friends that I'll have unreasonable and silly quarrels with and still love me the same and says "It's you what". Crazy times running around the school with water guns and bottles of water, and being with yall just literally make me laugh my ass off. We're not going to drift right? We have our monthly dates. We talked about the so many things we wna do together, and I hope we really do them together. Love yall always, thanks for loving me too. Will miss seeing yall around<3
8:50 AM
Saturday, August 7, 2010

so I havent been here for so long, I might just leave this here to rot while i permanently move o lj and not update here anymore. Everything hasnt been smooth sailing, thats why its called life right. but there are still things worth being happy about.
7:51 AM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

(sorry for this really slow post)
In a blink of an eye my closest friends are going to be on their study break, and take their o levels, and then they're gone): And no doubt I already miss yall so damn much, it didnt really hit me that yall wont be training anymore till training resumed for me actually, and training became like a chore, cos I dont enjoy it anymore, training feels weird cos I've always hung around the few of you now that all of you are gone, not that I don't have other friends, but its not the same, well they are fun in their own ways, but its different. Bdiv09 was a fun bunch, after they left a had half of that bunch, and now they are going to leave too): It has never been easy for me to follow yall up then watch yall step down and me staying here, all the adapting and so on. Netball led me to great friends like all of you! We don't just hang around before/after/during training but during the normal days, where we are all so stress up, we just get together and laugh it off. Perth was awesome, and I dont think Melbourne will be as fun. Who will be that crazy to have a secret code by bouncing the ball (!!) and doing stupid videos like the fly airways hahaha, plus stupid incidents like being trapped in the lift and Trina getting high of red bull hahaha. I'll miss how tricia and I pick each other up literally when we fall together, how sam pushes me so hard I might fall, how nevine and jamie irritates me with their comments (well I know its for the better right!), how trina is so happy go lucky, and veno's lame moments. we've gone through quite abit, and I've learnt alot during this period, discover more about myself and all of you. love all of you alot! Dont yall ever forget me! I knew I would play with yall again when I was in primary school, now that it secondary school, its not going to be the same. Some will be at JC while some at Poly, and well not all of yall will be taking netball anymore. We must have a get together ok! (we always say this when yall were leaving SNT 06 and we never had a successful gathering btw!!)
8:41 AM
Sunday, June 6, 2010



8:59 AM
Saturday, June 5, 2010

"If you are going to fall in love with me, it’s only fair that you know what you are falling in love with.
You are falling in love with my insecurities, and my obsession with trying to figure out what everyone thinks of me. You are falling in love with my immaturity, my constant need to feel loved and appreciated, my overactive tear ducts, my tendency to be too clingy. You fall in love with my troubled past, and my hopes and dreams, and how I’m a hopeless romantic at heart. If you fall in love with me, you fall in love with my self-hate and all my imperfections and my perception that nobody could ever love me.

But, you are also falling in love with the way my eyes will smile when I’m with you, the way I’ll text you in the mornings just telling you I hope you have a great day. You’re falling in love with the occasionally humorous and/or thought-provoking things I say, and the way I blush when people ask me about you. But to me, the most important thing will be that you are falling in love with me, despite my thinking that it is impossible."
4:14 AM
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Things havent been smooth sailing,
but thank god for friends that has been around (L)
things will get better, I know it will.
Liar, seriously yall are such liars,
+ I think Im old enough to think for myself and yes I know what I am doing.
3:52 AM
Friday, April 30, 2010

There's like a war starting in my head,
and a tide in my heart.
9:09 AM